Sunday, June 30, 2013

Fun At the Mall

Wow, what a great time at the Mall yesterday.  I took my 4 1/2 year old granddaughter out for a meal.  We had a blast, and I ran out of MDBs.  I had 10 in my pocket and 10 in my wallet and gave all of them out.

This was a first!  I gave one to the fast food clerk and I saw later that she taped it to her shirt, so I went back & asked her if I could take a picture & post it on my blog, and she said fine!  See below ...

You never know where your MDBs will end up!

I also had several short conversations with people.

One conversation was with a young girl at the mall playground.  I gave her a bill and told her what it was and she proceeded to turn it overand read it OUT LOUD!  Wow, I was just praying.  Turns out she is a Christian and I gave her a few more that she wanted to give to some friends.

It's also effective to just place them somewhere.  Lots of times I just leave them on a bench, come back a few minutes later and it's gone!

You never know what's going to happen and how God will use your faithfulness to get his message out.


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

"Can I Keep It?"

What would you think of a piece of paper that has a great gospel message on it that you hand to people and they ask you if they can keep it?  A witnesser's dream?

It happens with million dollar bills all the time and it happened again today.

I was pumping gas and had it on autofill and went and passed out 4 MDBs to people pumping their gas.

This is how I typically do it:
1) I am very repectful - "Sir" or "Ma'am" - "Have you seen one of these"?  and hand it to them.
2) They almost always smile & take it!
3) I say "It's a million dollar bill".  Keep it.  It has a great gospel message on the back.
4) They say "Thank you"!

So today I gave it to one lady and she immediately asked "Can I keep it?"  To which I said, "Of course, and make sure you take a look at the back, it's got a great gospel message".  And she said "I will, thank you!"

Amazing - people often ask to keep it and 99% of the time say a hearty "Thank you".

Thank you, Jesus!!!