Thursday, March 14, 2013

It is So Easy!!

It is so easy to share the most important message of all time, with million dollar bills.  People say "Thank You".  Yesterday I had two separate instances.

We are camping this week.

I got into a "fishing" discussion with our neighbor (although he was doing most of the talking - I'm not much of a fisherman).  As we were finishing, as is my custom, I said "I like to give one of these to people I meet".  To which he said, "Oh, you're the million dollar person - I saw one in the bathroom & started reading it, but I decided to leave it there so someone else could read it."  So I let him have it, of course.  His wife met him and he showed her, and she said to me "Thanks for giving one to our family"!!!

I also met a young man on a bicycle ride, as I was taking a rest on the trail.  He just started talking to me, so of course, I gave him a bill.  We had a great conversation and he told me he had 5 children (I was really surprised) so I gave him 5 more.  Again, he thanked me.  Part of our discussion was that if he was a true believer, that he could be sure he was going to heaven.  I urged him to carefully read the back of the bill.

It's so easy to share the most important message of all time, hands down!

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